It has been a VERY busy summer for the Hedberg family. Tyler turned 4 months old on July 26th and on th 27th he was baptized. He wore daddy's baptismal outfit and he looked so handsome in it. Ryan is adjusting to life with another little one in the household. Ryan and Tyler now share a bedroom and it is fun to listen to them in the morning gabbing to each other. Tyler has learned how to roll over and he is slowly starting to learn how to crawl. Each of my boys have their own little attitude. Tyler is going to be the feisty one while Ryan will be the quiet one.
We took the boys to the Benton County fair this past weekend. It was Tyler's first fair and Ryan's 2nd. We looked at the farm animals and listened to couple of bands. The boys are keeping us very busy this summer. Tyler now eats rice cereal, he loves it. He seems to get more on his face then what he gets in his mouth. Ryan is now enjoying eating good food versus baby food. He likes certain foods and he spits out the foods that he doesnt like. I am so proud of my boys. I couldn't ask for anything else. I wouldn't trade them for all the girls in the world. I think I will keep them, at least for awhile(hehehe).
I can't believe that summer is almost over with. Before you know it we will be seeing that icky white stuff on the ground. I hope everyone had a great summer and kept cool.