Friday, December 26, 2008

1st Christmas for Tyler/ December activities

2 days before we went to Grandma Terri's house for xmas, Ryan help made cut out sugar cookies. Grandma Sherri helped him roll out the dough and even cut the dough. Ryan was so happy that he got to help us make cookies. He even tried to sneak in a bite of the cookie dough without anyone noticing, but he forgot that his mother has hawk eyes and notices this.

This holiday season was special for us, it was Tyler's first christmas and he made out like a bandit with lots of gifts. He didn't open any of his gifts or even look at what he got. He REALLY liked being the middle of grandma's living room surrounded by wrapping paper. I guess we could've saved our money and just given him paper. He really likes one of the toys that his brother got, they actually fought over who would get to play with it. Even though Ryan isn't as strong as Tyler, Ryan knows how to hold to things when he wants them. Tyler really likes hearing the music play, he sits there and starts dancing. Tyler was wearing his big brother's santa outfit that Ryan wore when he was 6 months old. Even though Tyler is almost 9 months we were able to squeeze him into it.

Earlier this month Tyler and Ryan got to party with their Auntie Anna for her 30th birthday party. Even though it was her day Ryan tried to steal the spotlight by flirting with all of his great aunts and a couple of grandma's friends. Both of my boys are flirts, I will have to deadbolt their bedroom doors when they get to the dating age.

In a couple days the boys get to party with Grandpa Steve's family. Ryan has been saying Debbie alot lately so I think he is saying this cause he has a great aunt named Debbie, he was flirting with her at the birthday party. At the end of the year is always the busiest time to be with your family. It is hard for some people when they have LOTS of family to visit in a short time. This year is wrapping up so fast I can't believe where the time has gone. We have been a very busy family and we keep getting busier everyday.