We have been so busy as a family the past few months, I haven't had time to write in my blog. I have finally found a few minutes out of my day to update everyone on our life.
Ryan started a new school year. He was so excited to get back to school and riding the big bus. He has grown so much in his vocabulary from school, I am so proud of him.
Eric's step-brother got married. Unfortunately we couldn't go due to a car accident that Eric was in. Driving our van that long of a distance would not be safe.
We celebrated our 3 year anniversary. Couldn't believe that we have been married that long, time goes by so fast when you are truly happy with someone.
This was a busy month for us. We had to find a new home, our old place was in foreclosure and it was not an easy task to try and find a place. We did find a nice place to live and the boys each have their own bedroom. Eric's family came out and helped us move. That was a big task moving. This month is the Annual Halloween parade in Anoka. We decided that we would just go to G&G Rolland's house and spend some time with them. Later that night Grandpa hooked up a trailer to the car and hauled all of us around their area and the kids got to go trick or treating. Each of the boys got a good stash and had lots of fun.
Nothing much happened this month. We just enjoyed spending time with the boys. We had thanksgiving dinner at G&G Rolland's. Both boys enjoyed themselves. They always have fun at G&G's.
This month we got a new addition to the family. My sister-in-law gave birth to a little boy on December 3rd. They named him Dimitri Ivan Musatov. He is such a cutie. I haven't held a baby that small for a long time. He seemed smaller than Tyler, but I guess no one can beat how small Ryan was. We had a festive xmas meal. We decided to not go th traditional way and have something different for the meal. We had a mexican theme with all the fixings. We had Enchiladas, a taco bar and I made 2 different delicious taco dips. We opened gifts and all of the kids got good things this year. Tyler got a bouncy turtle from his godparents and he fell in love with it. He bounces on it whenever he gets a chance. Ryan got legos and his handy manny comforter. He LOVES Handy Manny.
Well it seems like before we know the new year will be upon us. 2009 went by really fast. Hope 2010 is as eventful as 2009 was. Happy New Year to all. See you next year.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Ryan's 1st Day of School
Today was Ryan's 1st day of school. He was been waiting along time. He was excited to get up this morning and get ready for school. We got his back pack ready with the goodies he has to take. He goes to school 3 days a week now from 1-330. He is pretty beat when he gets home. Almost everyday his teacher writes in a notebook and lets us know how Ryan's day was and if there was anything interesting that he did. When we were waiting for the bus this afternoon Ryan kept saying bus,bus. I don't know if he was excited for school or not. He smiled pretty for me to take a couple pictures of him in his chair.
Today his therapist saw him and this is what she said about Ryan:
My name is Mary Jo Frensko and I am the physical therapist at Roosevelt. I had the opportunity to meet Ryan this afternoon. He is a very wonderful little boy and it was fun visiting with him! Staff and I went over some basics today, such as positioning him in his wheelchair with his seat positioned back for good alignment. When he is positioned way back in the chair his trunk looks so nice and he sits nice and tall. The lap belt was snugged comfortably to help keep his seat back. This then prompted me to readjust the head support. I raised it up and pushed it forward slightly. Anyway, I hope these changes are okay with you. We can always make adjustments as needed. One thing that needs to be adjusted is his foot support. It needs to be lowered about 1 inch. I don't usually do this adjustment, rather the wheelchair vendor does this. I could try, however it may not be soon.
This is what his teacher had to say about Ryan:
Ryan had a great first day back. He was very happy and talkative! He has such an awesome personality!
I feel like Ryan has such an awesome attitude is cause all that he has gone thru from birth to now. But also he has LOTS of people that love him. He makes sure that everyone falls in love with him and find a special place in their hearts for him.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Rosenthal's Family Vacation
We went on a family vacation for 4 days at Rosenthal's Resort in Danbury, WI. We went with G&G Rolland, AAA, M,D,H,A and V&J. It was beautiful weekend, the weather was great and everyone had a great time.The boys had a good time. Tyler got to run around outside without having to worry about traffic. Cousin Hope helped watch him which was fine with me. I need a break from the boys every now and then. One day we went for a ride on the boat, which was the first boat ride for both of the boys. Ryan enjoyed it except when the sun was in his eyes. We stopped at a sandbar and everyone sat there and talked. Grandpa grabbed Tyler and he put his feet in the lake water. We spent a lot of time at the pool swimming and Tyler loved it he kept splashing and he thought that he was able to swim on his own. I guess I will have to look into swimming lessons for him. We walked down to the docks and watched the girls fish from the dock. Tyler got to touch his first fish and it was real cool to see him actual touch it without screaming. We celebrated Eric's birthday there and had some good cake that grandma made. It was alot of fun everyone enjoyed themselves.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Ryan and Tyler's new beds
Eric was on craigslist one day and saw that someone was selling bunk beds with mattresses for $50. He went and picked them up in Plymouth and repainted the bed frames. Beds were in good condition. We went out and bought the boys their first bedding,besides the crib sheets. Ryan got Handy Manny sheets and Tyler got Mickey Mouse.Ryan has been sleeping in his bed for almost a week now and he loves it. He actually doesn't fall out like he did in his toddler bed. I am so glad that the boys have big boy beds. They are growing up so fast. We were going to put them up as bunk beds but we have decided to wait til Tyler is a little bit older to do this. For now we will have the beds separate,don't want Tyler to try and get out of bed and fall and hurt himself.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Big Brother/Little Brother
The boys have been playing with each other more and more everyday. Tyler helps us with Ryan, if we need to give Ryan something Tyler will give it to him. At night when we are putting the boys to bed, Tyler makes sure that Ryan is in bed and gives him a goodnight kiss. After we shut the door, Tyler plays with Ryan for awhile and sometimes he falls asleep in bed with him. One night I went in to check on them cause I heard Ryan fussing, I looked an Tyler is asleep in bed next to Ryan. It was so cute that we just had to take a picture. Tyler does his babbling talk and when he does this he is looking at ryan. After he is done talking I ask Ryan what he said and Ryan just looks at us and laughs. So I take it that it is something that we as parents are not supposed to know.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Splash Pad/Parade/ Taste of St.Cloud

Yesterday we took the boys to the splash pad. Both Ryan and Tyler enjoyed themselves. Eric took Tyler thru the water at first then Tyler went on his own. I pushed Ryan thru in his chair and just loved it, he kept asking for more. Afterwards we came home and we sat in our pool for awhile. We had a fun time as a family.
We went to the Granite City Days parade. We were there for about 1 1/2 hours and then we left because it started down pouring and the boys were shivering. During the parade they were throwing candy and we got a good handful for the boys. Mommy and daddy will probably get the most of it. I then got a shirt thrown at me, it is a pepsi shirt which would be nice but it is size large and I would only be able to fit it around my neck because of my big jugs.
Yesterday we went to Taste of St.Cloud. It was ok except on the flyer it said free food and other free things. We get there and the food costs. So we just walked around and looked at a few things. There was wave runners on the lake and a petting zoo. We were going to get a picture of Tyler petting the animals but of course our camera decided to act up. I hope everyone else had a great weekend.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Grad Party Weekend/Father's Day Weekend
This past weekend we went to Chelsey's grad party. The boys had a great time. Before the grad party we went to the park across the street and put the boys in swings. Ryan has always loved the swing, it was time to see what Tyler would think of it. He loved he, he kept smilin and didn't want to get out when it was time to go.
The boys had fun seeing some family and eating lots of food. Tyler was showing everyone how much of a big boy he is by eating. Tyler was sporting a new do. Daddy put it in a mohawk and he looked so cute. Usually Tyler doesnt go up to people that he doesnt know. There was kareoke at the party and Tyler walked his way up to it. Deb's mother picked him up and he was helping them sing. I don't know if he was trying to tell them something, but he did really good. When Auntie Vanessa went to get him to say good-bye he didn't want to go.
After the party we went to G&G Rollands house and Tyler found Pierce. He chased Pierce around the house with Vanessa's hair dryer. Poor Pierce was wondering what was this lttle boy doing to him. Tyler also went down the slide in the swingset in the backyard. He wasn't so sure about it at first til I showed what to do.
On Sunday we went to G&G Hedberg's house. We had some cheeseburgers and hotdogs on the grill. We had some funtime with family. I thought it was so cute when Ally wanted to go play with toys downstairs and Tyler went with. Ally grabbed his hand and held it while they walked to the stairs. We had a good time just gabbing and watching the kids play.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
My little chef's
Tyler found the cupboard that holds my pans. He got them out and was using a spoon. He looked like he was stirring some food. He has helped me stir noodles and eggs. Whenever I am cooking in the kitchen he wants to be right there and see what I am doing.
Ryan had a little bowl with a spoon and he was stirring food also. When they get old enough they can make me my meal and I can rest on the couch.
Ryan and Tyler doing art work
Yesterday Ryan got some sidewalk chalk from the school and Tyler wanted to go outside. We went outside and wrote on the sidewalk. We have a broken tv tray and we used that for Ryan to do some of his handywork. Tyler enjoyed himself also. He wanted to stay outside but we had to bring them in for nap time.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Tyler's 1st haircut
This weekend we took Tyler to Fantastic Sam's and got his haircut. He did a great job sitting in the chair like a big boy. He didn't cry or anything. He looked so cute sitting there while the girl was cutting his hair. I told them I want him to have a boys haircut and to get rid of his wings. After his haircut was done he got a sucker. They taped some of his hair on a card and it says when and where he got his 1st haircut.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Ryan and Tyler's trip to the zoo
Yesterday we decided to take the boys to the Minnesota Zoo. We had 2 free passes that we got and it helped us with the cost for getting in. It was a nice drive there since Tyler slept the whole way down there. Ryan was asleep and watching the scenery. When we got there we slapped on some sunscreen on the boys and on daddy's head. Don't want any sunburns. We walked around the whole entire zoo. Ryan was just looking around, everytime we would tell Ryan to look at an animal he would just look at us. So we just decided that he can look for himself. We first looked at discovery bay and watched the dolphin swim around. Tyler kept saying fishy fishy. He really liked it when the dolphin swam right in front of where we were. We went and looked at the rest of the animals, but some of them were taking their naps. We went to the Wells Fargo farm house and Tyler petted a kid(baby goat). At first he wasn't so sure about touching it til mommy petted the little one too. We then went and had lunch, the boys were very hungry. Ryan had a stare down with a kid that was sitting next to him. The kid had down syndrome and they both kept looking at each other, I thought it was cute. We then went thru the Northern trails and saw some interesting animals. They have an aquarium that you can see from underneath and that was cool. Tyler kept saying fishy fishy again. Then we went thru the Medtronic Minnesota Trails. It was cool to see some animals from Minnesota that you don't see all the time. Daddy got a good picture of the bald eagle. He also got video of some coyotes doing some naughty stuff, if you get my hint. We then headed home. It was a long day for the boys, but I was glad that the boys got to see some new stuff. On our way home we stopped at target in plymouth to meet a guy that was giving us a gas grill for free. When we were about to leave, 4 deer jumped in front of his truck. Tyler just looked and wondered what they were.
Next trip we will possibly take is to the como zoo. I would like the boys to see other animals that they didn't see at the Minnesota Zoo.
Next trip we will possibly take is to the como zoo. I would like the boys to see other animals that they didn't see at the Minnesota Zoo.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Tyler's Fun Day with Uncle Calvin and Grandma Sherri

Today Tyler got to spend the day with my brother and mother. We were at grandma's house to pick up Uncle Cal and Tyler was walking while holding my hand, but then he decided that he wanted to hold his hand. I was walking behind them and I thought that it was a kodak moment and grabbed my cell to snap a picture. First we went out for breakfast at a place that we haven't been to since they closed the old one. They were excited to see us and especially Tyler. We then went to the Dollar store and Tyler got Grandma to buy him a teddybear and a pair of sunglasses, he looked like a movie star. We then went to the mall and we went to JCPenney and bought Ryan some clippers so that we can cut his hair. They were having a shoe sale for kids and I asked my mom if she could buy the boys a pair of sandals for the summer. She was happy to do that and now we have shoes that they can wear outside. It was a fun day for my brother and Tyler to do some bonding. Tyler enjoyed his self, and was laughing most of the time. I am glad that they have their Uncle in their life. He enjoys spending time with them. He smiles whenever they comeover to visit.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Summer school for Ryan
Ryan is signed up for summer school. I can't believe that is almost here. He will be going 2 days a week, and only 4 days a month until the first week in August then he is officially on summer vacation til september. Ryan gets really excited when he gets ready for school. He just loves it. Since he has started going to school he is more vocal. I think Ryan's favortie part of school is SNACKTIME. The teacher always says that he keeps wanting more snacks when it is time to clean up.
Tyler is taking more steps on his own. It is so cute you see him crawling then he is walking around. He knows how to go up and down the stairs. Excpet yesterday we had an accident. My mom was coming over and Tyler was excited to see here and he forgot that the stairs were there and fell down a couple of stairs. He is ok, it just scared him alittle.
Tyler is taking more steps on his own. It is so cute you see him crawling then he is walking around. He knows how to go up and down the stairs. Excpet yesterday we had an accident. My mom was coming over and Tyler was excited to see here and he forgot that the stairs were there and fell down a couple of stairs. He is ok, it just scared him alittle.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Ryan's new achievement/Tyler's new achievements

Ryan has started doing something new. He can now hold a cup with handles and drink for himself. He can also hold the non handle sippy cup. It is nice to see him do this. Maybe now we won't have to help him drink. If we do that is fine. It is just nice to see him do something on his own. He still likes to get up on his feet and try walking. Seeing this makes us happy.
Tyler has also been trying to take more steps on his own. He did take steps on Easter for Grandpa Steve. We would like to see him start doing this here. He also can climb upstairs and onto the furniture. We really have to keep an eye on him now.
Ryan and Tyler have been eating some new foods. Tyler likes strawberries, but Ryan doesn't. Tyler really likes strawberries with whip cream.
Tyler has been saying a few more words. He now says: dad, papa,mom,nana( which means banana),uh oh,cracker.
On Monday Ryan starts seeing the new therapist for Occupational therapy. His Physical Therapist Sheila says that she has seen improvement in Ryan. He is trying to roll on his left side, it is hard for him but we help him and then he finishes rolling. She has him on his tummy and he actually doesn't fuss now. He is using his muscles to lift up his head, which what she wants to see.
Both boys are being VERY challenging for mommy and daddy. What new achievements will we have to report in the next few weeks.
Tyler has also been trying to take more steps on his own. He did take steps on Easter for Grandpa Steve. We would like to see him start doing this here. He also can climb upstairs and onto the furniture. We really have to keep an eye on him now.
Ryan and Tyler have been eating some new foods. Tyler likes strawberries, but Ryan doesn't. Tyler really likes strawberries with whip cream.
Tyler has been saying a few more words. He now says: dad, papa,mom,nana( which means banana),uh oh,cracker.
On Monday Ryan starts seeing the new therapist for Occupational therapy. His Physical Therapist Sheila says that she has seen improvement in Ryan. He is trying to roll on his left side, it is hard for him but we help him and then he finishes rolling. She has him on his tummy and he actually doesn't fuss now. He is using his muscles to lift up his head, which what she wants to see.
Both boys are being VERY challenging for mommy and daddy. What new achievements will we have to report in the next few weeks.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
This Past Week of events
This week has been very busy for our family.
On Monday, Ryan had an eye appointment and we got good news. Ryan was having eye drops put in his left eye to dilate it. We did this so that his right eye would learn to focus and stop the shaking. When we went to the doctor she was very impressed on how well Ryan's eyes were looking. We no longer have to give him eye drops. He goes back in 3 months to have another check up and they will dilate his eyes at that time to check the back of his eyes. Hopefully at the same time they will say that he still doesn't need any eye drops.
Wednesday was his last day of having home care therapy. It was hard for me to see this happen, Ryan has become very attached to this therapist and she just adored Ryan. Whenever she came out she would say, that seeing Ryan makes her day.
Thursday Ryan had his first dentist appointment. He did a good job. He was a big boy. He fussed a little bit when the nurse was cleaning his teeth. He really cried when the dentist was trying to clean the tartar off the back of his bottom teeth. The dentist told us that he has a couple more teeth coming in the back. So I now have 2 kids cutting teeth. Ryan goes back in 6 months for another check up. When Ryan turns 7 they will put sealant on his molars to help keep them from getting cavities. And then once he has turned 12 he graduates to the big dentist.
Another week in the busy life of the Hedbergs.
Something cute that I just saw while I was typing this blog. Tyler had a sippy cup with juice in it. He was drinking it. He then put it in Ryan's mouth to let him get a drink. What a nice little brother Ryan has.
On Monday, Ryan had an eye appointment and we got good news. Ryan was having eye drops put in his left eye to dilate it. We did this so that his right eye would learn to focus and stop the shaking. When we went to the doctor she was very impressed on how well Ryan's eyes were looking. We no longer have to give him eye drops. He goes back in 3 months to have another check up and they will dilate his eyes at that time to check the back of his eyes. Hopefully at the same time they will say that he still doesn't need any eye drops.
Wednesday was his last day of having home care therapy. It was hard for me to see this happen, Ryan has become very attached to this therapist and she just adored Ryan. Whenever she came out she would say, that seeing Ryan makes her day.
Thursday Ryan had his first dentist appointment. He did a good job. He was a big boy. He fussed a little bit when the nurse was cleaning his teeth. He really cried when the dentist was trying to clean the tartar off the back of his bottom teeth. The dentist told us that he has a couple more teeth coming in the back. So I now have 2 kids cutting teeth. Ryan goes back in 6 months for another check up. When Ryan turns 7 they will put sealant on his molars to help keep them from getting cavities. And then once he has turned 12 he graduates to the big dentist.
Another week in the busy life of the Hedbergs.
Something cute that I just saw while I was typing this blog. Tyler had a sippy cup with juice in it. He was drinking it. He then put it in Ryan's mouth to let him get a drink. What a nice little brother Ryan has.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Easter with the family
Happy Easter everyone. Yesterday we spent the day with family. We enjoyed a fabulous meal that everyone pitched in to make. After we rested our tummy's we played a couple of games. First we played egg catch, everyone was partnered up with someone other than their spouse. My partner was Adam and we won the game. We didn't break our egg at all. 2nd we played an egg relay that was fun. Eric won that game. We also celebrated grandpa's birthday we had cake and ice cream. Then we just vegged for awhile. We had a couple of exciting things happen yesterday. My sister in law Anna found out that she is pregnant. Another little bundle of joy. Then my youngest Tyler took his 1st step walking to grandpa's arms. That was the greatest thing to see. We tried having him walk to grandma but he just stood there. Hope everyone else had a good easter with family. Congratulations to Anna again,
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Out Patient Physical Therapy for Ryan
Since Ryan now goes to school, he will be starting outpatient therapy versus home care therapy. He starts Physical Therapy at the clinic on April 6th. He will be going to the clinic 2 times a wekk. Ryan's week will be extremely busy for him now. The only time he gets to rest will be on the weekend Here is what Ryan's week will look like: Monday-10am physical therapy, 11:30am Occupational therapy at home, Tuesday-8:30-12:15 school, Wednesday-11:00am Occupational therapy at home, Thursday-11am physical therapy at the clinic, Friday-8:30-12:15 school. We are on the waiting list for Occupational Therapy at the clinic. Ryan is such a busy boy I need an assistant to help keep up with our scheduling. I am glad that Tyler is young enough that we don't have alot going on with him right now. We talked to the primary person that will be in charge of Ryan's therapy and she wanted to know what our goals for Ryan were. Eric and I both agreed that we would like to see Ryan be able to get around himself, that includes walking. She told us that those were doable goals. Ryan is wearing knee mobilizers for a few minutes each day working up to a goal time. He wears these to help stretch his hamstrings so that he can sit. She will also be working with him to get trunk and head control to where he holds himself up. I will keep the blog up to date on new things that Ryan is working on and any goals that he has achieved.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Tyler's Birthday Party
This past sunday we celebrated Tyler's 1st birthday. He invited lots of people, we celebrated it in Grandma and Grandpa's garage. We had good food, that he just ate up. He got lots of good gifts. He got Teddy Rukpin from G&G Rolland. He loves to sit and watch a stuff animal read a story to him. He got his 1st plate, fork and knife from AAA. He also got Handy Manny jammies and a sweatshirt hoodie. From DMHA he got the bee movie and a sweatshirt hoodie. One of Grandma's friends was there also. She gave him little cars/trains to play with. From VJ he got a card and lots of lovin from both of them. He actually can look at Joe and not cry. G&G Hedberg gave him a card with $20 to go shopping and get his own gift. He got a basketball hoop from his Grandma Remmers and Uncle Calvin. And from his parents and big bro he got a dump truck that he can ride on and play with. We had a good time. Tyler also got to eat his own piece of cake and at first he wasnt too sure about it, he then got frosting on his fingers and a little on his mouth. Pics coming later.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Happy 1st Birthday Tyler
Today is Tyler's 1st birthday. He has been on this earth a whole year. He celebrated his special day by getting a gift from grandma sherri and a co-worker of mom's. He got a basketball hoop that he can play with and also his big brother can play. He got 2 pairs of shorts and a shirt from my co-worker. On Sunday he gets to party with everybody else at grandma and grandpa rolland's house. The theme for his birthday party is going to be Mickey Mouse. He LOVES watching mickey mouse clubhouse in the morning. It is hard to believe how much he has grown up. He is a challenge but we appreciate having him in our life. He loves his big brother. He tries to get Ryan to do things with him and it is cute to see them interact with each other. I know the next year will be even more challenging he will be walking around and REALLY getting into things.
Tyler 1 year of age
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Last few days events
On Saturdy since it was almost 90 degrees out, we decided to take the boys for a walk. I asked Ryan if he wanted to go outside and he said yes. Tyler squealed the whole time we were walking. He loved watching all of the vehicles. It was nice to get out of the house and be outside. When we were walking I saw some people were bbqing. I think I will wait til the snow is gone some more.
Monday Ryan had Physical Therapy. I called his therapist before she saw him to ask if she can see if his chair needs to be adjusted. It just seems like it needs to be, his abdomen is getting bigger and it looks to me like it is squishing him. She said that Sherri his Occupational therapist will check it out on Friday. I also asked his therapist if we could borrow her clippers, it is hair cutting time for Ryan again.
Tuesday Ryan went back to school after spring break, he was so excited to go. He keeps mention ing the name Amy, so I am wondering if that is one of the kids. Jokingly I ask Ryan if that is his girlfriend. When they were in the motor room, Ryan played in the
ball pit. He had so much fun playing with the balls. He also rolled down on wedges and just enjoyed that. When he was getting of the bus when he got home, the helper on the bus told me that he slept on the way home again. He does so much work there that it wore him out. Which is a good thing.

Saturday, March 14, 2009
Some cute things

I thought I would share some cute things that Tyler and Ryan do.
Every morning when the boys wake up, I get tyler out of his crib and he goes right over to Ryan's bed and gets in with him. He then plays with ryan for a bit and if he finds Ryan's nuke he puts in Ryan's mouth for him.
Tyler is starting to sound out more words. He can almost say bye bye. It has been very cute watching him grow up.
In 12 days Tyler will be a year old. Boy was it a big difference watching him grow up than it was Ryan. But we love both of our boys the same. I think Tyler is beginning to realize that Ryan is somewhat different from him. I contacted the lady from UCP(United Cerebral Palsy) and I asked if she had anything to help siblings deal with their other siblings handicap.
Every morning when the boys wake up, I get tyler out of his crib and he goes right over to Ryan's bed and gets in with him. He then plays with ryan for a bit and if he finds Ryan's nuke he puts in Ryan's mouth for him.
Tyler is starting to sound out more words. He can almost say bye bye. It has been very cute watching him grow up.
In 12 days Tyler will be a year old. Boy was it a big difference watching him grow up than it was Ryan. But we love both of our boys the same. I think Tyler is beginning to realize that Ryan is somewhat different from him. I contacted the lady from UCP(United Cerebral Palsy) and I asked if she had anything to help siblings deal with their other siblings handicap.
Tyler has been eating more table foods. He sits in his little booster cahir and he loves it when he gets to put the food in his mouth like a big boy. He no longer likes us to help him eat. Some of his favs are: cheerios, all veggies so far, any meats, pasta, eggs, peanut butter toast, pbj sandwiches, anything that we are eating that isn't too spicy for him, juice, donuts, cheese. And as his cousin April would say"He REALLY likes cheese".
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Phy Ed at school
Friday Ryan had phy ed class at school. They put him on trike and took a pic of him. He enjoed being on the trike so much, now at home he keeps asking for the bike. I talked to his teacher and she says that everyone just loves him, he is a very good boy.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Ryan's !st day of School
Yes this day has finally come upon us. Ryan has started school. He goes 2x's a week, Tuesdays and Fridays from 8:30-12. The bus picks him up and drops him off right in our driveway. Friday the 20th was his very 1st day and he did great. He got on the bus like a big boy and had fun at school. The teacher called and told us that Ryan had fun and that he laughed alot. The bus driver that brings him home enjoyed his smile. Ryan got his first gift from his therapist teacher that came out to the house. She gave him a picture of him with his new teacher. I thought that was cute. When he got home he was very tired, so more than likely as soon as he gets home he has lunch and then a nap. Little bro did ok without Ryan here he still got into everything. But it was nice to have sometime to do things around the house without Ryan crying everytime you leave the room. I am glad that Ryan did good at school, I would hate for him to have issues and they say that he is not ready for school yet.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Ryan's Open House
Tomorrow is the start of a new milestone in Ryan's life. We have open house for Ryan tomorrow, we get to meet his teacher and see where he will be going to school 2 times a week. Ryan will also get to ride the school bus while we are there. It will be very interesting to see how he does on the bus. I am sure he will do fine, it will just be a new experience for him. Ryan's official first day is on friday. He will be getting on the bus around 8:30 in the morning and getting home around 12:15pm. I will get him on the bus and daddy will be there when he gets home. Mornings in our household will be VERY busy, trying to get Ryan ready for school and have breakfast in him at the same time. I will do fine though my mom will be here to help me. What will little brother Tyler do without Ryan here to play with? I guess tyler and daddy will just play playstation together. I will be taking pics of Ryan's 1st day especially of him getting on the bus.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Ryan's 3rd Birthday Party
My big boy is now 3 years old. He had a bunch of people over at the house yesterday for his big day. He had G&G Rolland, V&J, AAA and a friend from moms work here. He ate TONS of food, he has the bottomless pit just like his father. He ate his own piece of birthday cake and a cookie. He got serenaded from his cousin Ally. She sang Happy Birthday to him. That was really cute. Ryan had lots of fun he played with his car from his birthday cake, while the adults played with his toy saw. Ryan had lots of fun. Next month is Tyler's first birthday, my boys are growing up so fast. Pictures have been posted, I had to include one of his little brother and of course his aunt/godmother. Also we had to put a pic of Joe, Ryan's bud in this blog. Thanks again to everyone that came and helped us celebrate our big boys birthday.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Something Cute
This morning after I got the boys already for the day, Ryan was on the floor and scooting towards a toy. Tyler was next to him and started lifting Ryan's legs as if he was helping Ryan along. Tyler must watch the ladies that do therapy on Ryan and he wanted to work on him. Just seeing Tyler lifting Ryan's legs was really cute and I just had to share it.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Tyler's Christmas gift
One of the gifts that Tyler got I finally got around to putting it together. While I was putting it together he sat next to me and watch what I was doing. I just thought it was a good time for me to put it together cause he walks around holding on to the furniture. After I put it together he played with it for awhile and then he actually stood up and held onto the handle. I have a couple pics of him actually trying to walk with it. It was so cute seeing him trying to walk. Then of course big brother had to play with it. Ryan sat on the floor playing with it too. Anything that Ryan is playing with Tyler has to play with and vice versa. We have to really watch Tyler cause when he wants to play with something that Ryan has Tyler will sit on his head.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Ryan loves his brother
Ryan has taught his little brother how to blow raspberries. So whenever Ryan blows raspberries Tyler blows them with him. Last night Tyler was crawling everywhere following me while I was doing some cleaning. Ryan decided that he wanted to be where we were, so my mom put Ryan on the floor and he wanted to crawl. We worked with him and he did a good job. He got down to the laundry room door and he was exhausted. Tyler is a really big influence on Ryan, Ryan tries whatever little brother does up to a certain extent. I am really proud of my boys. Tyler loves playing with the elmo chair that we bought for Ryan. He was playing on it last night and he likes to butt his head on it and he had Ryan laughing so hard that it was cute. Tyler is Ryan's entertainment, and Tyler loves it when Ryan laughs at him cause that makes him do it even more.
Ryan did something new today. He ate a bowl of cheerios with milk. He ate it really well, he even tried putting the spoon in his mouth by himself.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
We learned something new about Tyler
Well we have figured out that Tyler can not have lotion with perfumes. We will have to use johnson and johnson again. When I gave him his bath the other night, I was actually able to put lotion on him. Usually he crawls away too fast to even get any on him. Well we got some on him and he broke into a rash all over his little body. I called the doctor's office this morning and they said to give him a bath and wash the lotion off of him. If nothing changes within 48 hours we are to bring him in. So everyone cross your fingers and pray that it will clear up.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Start of the New Year
Well we started off the new year kind of on the wrong foot. Both boys have ear infections and colds. Tyler is cutting 2 more teeth on top of that and is crabby at times. Eric and I both have colds and I had a fever Saturday and was in no mood to do anything. Hopefully we get over our illnesses soon and can have a better 2009. Hope everyone else had a Happy New Year.
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